Mushroom and Herb Pasta with Cream Sauce

Alright- so let me tell y’all about this mushroom alfredo-like dish my sister and I cooked this weekend.


I say alfredo-like because instead of cheese, the base for the sauce was cashews- making the recipe 100% vegan. Stay with me here. The cream sauce was not only creamy indeed, but it was also savory, scrape-the-pot-and-lick-the-spoon delicious. Not to mention the dish was ridiculously easy and quick to make. Shout out to Nadia Lim for the incredible recipe.

Looking back on it now I can still honestly say- it was not lackin’ nothin’! Without the double negative, that translates to the dish being everything I could've asked for on a cool, cozy December night. 

In the picture, I poured the sauce over some spaghetti squash noodles for a crunchier, lower carb/calorie variation. The sauce is still plenty tasty, if not more so, on traditional pasta. My mom tasted the sauce with whole wheat pasta. As she devoured her noodles as they were, she kept jokingly asking if there was/could be chicken in the sauce. I didn't accommodate her request this time, but momma's taste buds are usually on point. Feel free to add chicken to the dish if that's part of your diet, and let me know what you think!

The sauce is very high in fat and calories overall for anyone who’s trying to keep those numbers in mind. But the cashew base also makes the sauce high in protein and "good" fats in particular.

I LITERALLY scraped the pot clean. Enjoy!

Southern Vegan Necessities

Ya' girl loves her a good biscuit. They didn't come out looking like the pictures on Minimalist Baker, but this easy recipe was fluffy, southern satisfaction. 

The recipe calls for more than enough "buttermilk" mixture, so don't feel obligated to force it into the batter if you have a lot left over because you will not need anywhere near all of it.

Follow the directions and enjoy for a cute Sunday Brunch with your family.